How Indoor Pollutants Can Harm Your Health

Augusta, GA, and the greater Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) has taken great measures to reduce outdoor air pollution during the past decade. In fact, Augusta was once on the Top 25 Most Polluted U.S. Cities list, but the latest reports show that Georgia as a whole has become much safer for air quality. Despite these efforts, indoor pollutants can still cause a lot of health issues for residents of the CSRA.

Dust and Dust Mites Can Cause Asthma Attacks

Approximately 80 percent of all U.S. homes have a lot of dust mites. These invisible creatures are closely linked to allergic reactions and asthma attacks, which makes them particularly unsafe for individuals who already have lung issues.

Fortunately, the presence of dust mites and dust can be controlled with indoor air quality equipment such as dehumidifiers and air conditioners. You can also reduce dust related allergens by keeping your house tidy and getting your ducts professionally cleaned.

Bacteria and Viruses Cause and Worsen Diseases

Do you want to reduce your risk of getting the flu or a cold? Or perhaps you have asthma, and you want to prevent it from getting worse? Proper air flow and ventilation can help reduce the spread of bacteria and viruses within your home. Additionally, you’ll want to wash your hands and sanitize shared surfaces frequently. Airflow is often inhibited by minor issues with your HVAC unit, including a dirty air filter.

Dampness are Linked to Several Health Issues

If anything in your house is leaking, you may soon develop a dangerous accumulation of contaminants and dampness. This commonly happens with HVAC units and humidifiers that need to be repaired. Letting this issue go unchecked can lead to a sore throat, wheezing, sneezing, coughing and a worsening of asthma symptoms.

Have you been experiencing health issues that could be linked to indoor air quality problems? Call Plunkett Heating & Air today to learn more about how we can help!

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